Название спецкурса на английском языке
Foreign Language: Methodology of academic presentation and debates
Авторы курса
Завойчинская Элеонора Борисовна
Тема 1. Business Communication. Telephone Talk. The beginning. Answering. Leave or accept the message. The Telephone Courtesy Ticket buying. Address and addressee change. Business Communication in Action. What You need for success in business. Making decisions in Business (the example).
Тема 2. Curriculum vitae – Resume – Summary. Layout of CV. The main parts: Contacts. Objective. Professional profile, scientific interests. Work experience. Education. Publications. Conferences. Honors. Skills. Mistakes in CV. Application (cover) letters. Interview with employer. Discussion and questions of all participants.
Тема 3. English for Academic use. General notions.
Scientific Conferences. Announcement, registration form. Papers, abstract, proceedings. Sessions. Accommodation, financial questions.
Тема 4. English for Academic use. Project proposal organization. Types of academic writing. What is project proposal? Title page. Abstract. Introduction. Key elements of Introduction: Relevance. Background of the study (the general state of problem knowledge; the main reasons of the topic selection; why the research needs to be done on this problem; methodology; key references; advantage of Your results). The problem statement (subject of study; definition of the project scope (time, area of applicability); briefly hypotheses to be expressed). The professional significance (why do the investigation; the contribution in knowledges; aims and objectives; the aim is the brief statement of expected results; originality of Your research in comparison with what is known. The literature review. The main body. Methodology. General plan on stages. The available scientific results on the project. A brief report on the results. Conclusion. References. The language of the Proposal.
Тема 5. English for Academic use. Oral Presentation. Greeting. Feedforward. Main body. Feedback. Closing. Criteria of good presentation: perform a specific goal, the right logic of thoughts, transparent structure, thoughtful design. Necessary skills for creating a good presentation: empathy, logical thinking, system thinking, tools, design principles. Presentation Development Process consists of five stages: 1. Goal setting presentations. Modeling the audience, 2. Search and structuring of information, 3. Creature the structure presentations, 4. Prototyping presentations, 5.Layout in Power Point. Three main types of presentation goals: Motivate, inform, prove. What do you need before the beginning: to identify the aim, put yourself in a listener place (empathy), to understand what you need to tell and how to convey. Presentation Layout elements:
Semantic: Messages. Submessages. Numerical information visualization (diagrams). Diagram classification on types of comparisons: exploded, positional, temporary, frequency.
Abstract information visualization (schems). Corresponding between numerical and abstract information: exploded to cluster, positional to structure, temporary to flow, correlation to ray. Examples. Text block. Emotional: font, color, pictures, infograms, animation. Composition as the rules for the whole presentation. Additional: tracker (navigation), numerical, comments and resources. Efficiency per time – structured and unstructured presentation. The main slide is executive Summary. The navigation slide divide presentation on blocks (agenda). Examples. The main design principles: Proximity (different semantic elements should be far apart). Alignment (objects relative to each other in a ruler). Repeat (the same elements are the same design). Contrast (highlight the most important thing). Principle of contrast at the level of individual elements. Contrast principle for interaction with the background. Prioritization of viewing information. Presentation Prototyping. Five blocks to create a presentation: headings, text, icons, pictures, graphics / abstract shapes. Presentation abstract level: the answer on question: “What conclusion follows from the presentation?” in one or two sentences; the answer question: “What conclusion follows from the slide?” in one or two sentences, the answer on question: "What conclusion follows from the visual forms "? in one or two sentences, the answer on question: "Why is this visual form maximally transferes the conclusion indicated in the message "? Examples. Presentation content depending on time. Briefly Power point. The main structure, functional.
Тема 6. English for Academic use. Debates.
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